Mali Bella's Story
In 2009, I gave birth to my second child, another beautiful baby girl, named Mali Bella. When I took her home, a friend suggested that we consider getting a baby wrap or carrier, since we had another child. We spent time researching and ended up choosing a very popular name brand baby wrap. I used it a few times, until the last day... I took Mali out of the wrap to find her unconscious and blue, I immediately started CPR. She ended up spending 2.5 weeks in the hospital fighting for her life. The cradle position called out by the wrap company, caused her chin to press against her chest, cutting off her airway. It only took a few short minutes to cause severe brain damage. We begged, pleaded, and cried but nothing was bringing her back........on August 27, 2009 our baby girl joined the angels in heaven. The pain is as fresh as it was the day I lost her. Over the years I have learned to move forward, not move on. A loss like this becomes a part of you, and you learn to with grief & love simultaneously. The pain is etched into my heart forever as is the love I hold for her.